Hybrid Vue.js app in Cordova : desktop or mobile ?

If you are developing an hybrid Cordova app that shares the same code in its desktop and mobile version, here is a little hack to know if the code is executed in Cordova.

Files in Cordova apps are served over file://, whereas website are served over http:// or https://.

You can access the current protocol using window.location.protocol. Here is a code snippet to test it :

import Vue from 'vue'
Vue.isCordova = window.location.protocol.match(/^file/)

  created () {
    if (this.isCordova) {
      // Yes this is the Cordova version of your app
    } else {
      // This is the desktop version

Note : Electron apps are also served via file:// so if your app is also bundled with Electron, isCordova will be true.

  • : Vue.js wrapper for Cordova API and Cordova plugins

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